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How to register on RX!

If you do not already have a Rugby Xplorer account please begin at Part #1! If you already have an account, please do not create a new one, rather please start at Part #2!
Part #1 (Creating an account) 


1) Go to the Rugby Xplorer website (

2) Enter in your email address

3) Create your profile and sign up

4) Verify your account from the email you entered

5) Create your password and confirm

Part #2 (Registering for your club)


6) Log into your account

7) Click "Register" in the upper left hand corner of the screen

8) Click "Find a Club"

9) Click "Link a New Player" and enter in their information. Your player may already be recognized by the system

10) Select the player your would like to register

11) Search your club in the search bar and select

12) Choose "Player/Coach/Referee" depending on what you are registering as,  then choose your "Registration Type" and choose "Season" under the "Duration" drop down

13) Enter in the emergency contact details for the player

14) Agree to the terms and conditions 

15) Please hit process payment and you are done!




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