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Dear Members,

I first want to convey well wishes to the rugby community as we undergo this unprecedented period, I hope this message finds you and your families well. We understand the situation holds a lot of uncertainty for not only rugby, but life in general. On behalf of USA Rugby I want to express my appreciation for your understanding and patience over the last few days with difficult decisions and changes required.

After careful consideration and guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the USA Rugby Board and Medical Committee have extended the current suspension of sanctioned rugby activities for the foreseeable future. Information on when rugby may resume activities will be communicated by the National Office as soon as it becomes available.

The USA Rugby Club XVs Championships slated for the end of May will also be canceled with the remainder of the fifteens competitive season.

While certain judgements have already been made in terms of suspended rugby activities, events and championships; we are fully aware that more assessments are yet to come with the COVID-19 condition yet to find resolve. It needs to be made clear that claims for Accident and Liability Insurance will not be accepted during the period of suspension with no rugby activities taking place.

Our Board of Directors have met frequently over the last three weeks in response to the impact of COVID-I9 on the USA Rugby community and supports the decision to suspend play for the foreseeable future. The Board will continue to meet and conduct its business remotely and securely.

In the interest of providing the most up to date information in real time through this fluid situation, USA Rugby has developed a dedicated COVID-19 information page on the website for members and fans to reference at any time.

We understand the impact this places on our members and organizations hoping to compete this spring, however we as a rugby community must do our part in limiting the effect of this global pandemic.

With multiple moving pieces already in play, I want to provide the following status update on some important initiatives and operations;

Follow along with USA Rugby Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates and check-ins with the USA Eagles as their journey continues.


Operations at the USA Rugby National Office have followed state and federal guidance by moving workstations home. Administrative operations continue remotely during this period, members are still encouraged to engage and communicate with USA Rugby Headquarters for their needs and requests.

Thank you again for your continued support as we collectively navigate back towards a normal rugby environment for everyone.


Ross Young

CEO, USA Rugby

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