NCRFU Sanctioned Events Suspended
The NCRFU Executive Committee met in emergency session this afternoon to consider the rapidly evolving Covid-19 (Coronavirus) situation. The EC has determined to suspend NCRFU sanctioned Rugby activity: NCRFU league play and training is suspended for at least three weeks until April 5.
• During this time no matches will be played and
• no practice/training sessions will be held.
This action is in line with our concern for the wellbeing of our members and community and to ensure Rugby activity does not contribute to the spread of the pandemic. It is also consistent with recommendations from various state and local health authorities.
During the suspension period the ongoing situation will be assessed by the Competitions Committee to determine recommendations going forward:
1. whether to extend the suspension, or,
2. if play is resumed, how to manage the competition and the impact of the suspension on league standings and any subsequent playoffs/championships.
Again, our primary concern is for our membership and our community. This suspension will allow us to track the rapidly changing information about the coronavirus pandemic.
This is a very fluid situation. As new information becomes available, we will immediately update the membership. Please feel free to reach out directly to me or to your Division Coordinators if you have any questions or to share any concerns. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.
Please note the following actions taken by others in our sport communities:
1. Play has been, or will be, suspended by Rugby NorCal, Rugby WA, PNRFU Clubs, Major League Rugby and the PRP. Multiple College Rugby matches have been cancelled
2. USA Rugby has issued a Covid 19 update:
3. It has been reported that play has been suspended by the NBA, NHL, Major League Soccer and Major League Baseball and that the NCAA Basketball tournament has been cancelled.